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Amsterdam grachten parade
Zaterdag, 03 Augustus 2024
Hits : 227
When the most beautiful festival in the world returns to the canals of Amsterdam for the 27th time, you can expect a colourful and diverse spectacle in a class of its own!
Be who you are, love who you want! Respect each other and express your inner beauty. It's time to shine, sweetheart!
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Pride Amsterdam takes place right in the city centre. This is not a festival site somewhere in a big meadow, but in the front yard of the people living here.
Whether you're walking the streets, are on a boat or elsewhere, make mindful decisions!
We have hundreds of extra toilets and waste stations on the day of the parade. You can find them in our app! Use your wits before you pee on someone's doorstep! Not appropriate and costs €140
Yes, you've managed to snag one of the coveted Pride Vignettes and are now in the midst of preparing for the Canal Parade. How do I decorate my boat? With the cheapest plastic and glitter decorations I can find, or do I come up with creative ideas together with my friends that produce as little (plastic) waste as possible? Be mindful and don't expect someone else to clean up your mess.
The sale of Pride Vignettes will start on 1 July 2024 via
Route of the Parade: Oosterdok - Nieuwe Herengracht - Amstel - Prinsengracht - Westerdok
We have dedicated decks for visitors with visible and invisible disabilities. Also we are collaborating with to give you a memorable experience at this years Canal Parade & Pride Amsterdam. Please contact us via Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.
Are you travelling by train?
- Yes, please do!
Get off at either Amsterdam Centraal or Amstel station. From there you can easily walk. Plan your journey here or download the NS App.
Coming by car?
- Don't!
We advise against driving into the city on the day of the parade. If you do, however, we strongly advise you to reserve a parking space in advance. You can do so in one of the secure Q-Park car parks in the city centre. There are also many Park & Ride's, which you can find here:
From there, the tram/metro will take you directly to the city centre. Be on time, because hundreds of thousands of visitors are expected on this day.
Please note that photographs and videos will be taken during this event.
Locatie Amsterdam
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